For a responsible composite industry

For a responsible composite industry

Sustainable development is the responsibility of companies, associations and any other entity that can no longer afford to act without regard for the economic, social and environmental consequences of their activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was formalized by decree of 9 August 2017, giving it a legal value. This decree inflects our economy in the sense of ethics and highlights noble, protective and considerate values.

However, CSR did not come out of the hat in the summer of 2017. In 2002 already, it was on the agenda of the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, attended by large companies, including French, sectors environment and energy.

By force of pedagogy and arguments, time, whose length can be regretted, ends up shaping the mentalities of entrepreneurs. Leading a company is no longer alienating its development policies solely for the purpose of profit. The image of Epinal greedy businessman, smoking a cigar, consuming nature, ready to crush everything in its path would it be fading to the benefit of a new generation that stands out its ability to apprehend the world in its entirety.

Intelligence, the true, is to reconcile progress and preservation. It is promoted by large-scale awareness that knows no boundaries. This is one of the advantages of our time.

Beyond the regulatory requirements imposed by the decree, companies are invited to assume responsibilities, internal and external to their own functioning, on a vast field of subjects. Recycling Carbon is fully in line with this philosophy by offering the entire carbon fiber industry the opportunity to treat its waste in an eco-responsible way, with operational and innovative solutions, creating new jobs. This is our modest stone in the building.

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