Meeting with the Director of the Safran Foundation

Meeting with the Director of the Safran Foundation

The SAFRAN group is involved in the innovation related to composite materials, the use of which is becoming widespread at high speed, especially in the aerospace industry.
Safran has been using organic matrix composites for around 30 years, and is today the most advanced aerospace group in this field.

Operating on all continents, the Group employs 66,300 people with a turnover of 14.7 billion euros in 2013.

May 13, 2014 Jean-Paul Herteman, President and CEO of Safran inaugurated the Safran research center dedicated to composite materials, on the site of Bouchet in Itteville (Essonne) to 17 km from the headquarters of our association.

It is therefore natural that we wish to present Recycling Carbon’s eco-responsible initiatives to the SAFRAN group for the recycling and processing of carbon fiber.

It is thanks to the linking of our historical support of the foundation of Crédit Mutuel that the SAFRAN Director of foundations came to meet us.

Since its creation in March 2005, the Safran Corporate Foundation has been supporting long-term projects presented by associations. To date, nearly 200 projects with sustainable benefits for their beneficiaries have been made in France and internationally.

Aware that innovation is the key to success, investing heavily in the training and progress that is essential to its leadership, Safran supports dynamic and creative projects.

During the appointment with the Director of Foundations, we presented the DNA of Recycling Carbon namely innovation, environmental protection and professional integration.

The project submitted to the foundation concerns the recovery and treatment of carbon fiber waste and production waste with the aim of training and supervising technicians in professional reintegration.

Our request for support is 300,000 euros.

Find below some elements of the file sent for study on September 26, 2017.

Main activity (s) of the association:
Repair and reuse carbon fiber materials.
Sensitize individuals, businesses and public authorities on the possibilities of solutions that limit the environmental impact.
Animate a research and innovation center.
Training of people in professional reintegration.

Objective of the project :
Acting in a sustainable development approach by offering eco-friendly responses to the carbon fiber waste issue and training people with long-term jobs, by dealing with larger volumes of material.

How does your project fit into the purpose and mission of the Corporate Foundation?
By developing our material processing capacity, we participate in the emergence of specialized trades specialized in the repair, painting and reuse of composite materials. By enabling people with social difficulties to acquire recognized skills and know-how, we contribute to giving meaning and durability to the professions of the future.

How is the expected benefit of your project sustainable?
The curve of production and exploitation of the material is exponential and the forecasts give rise to increasing volumes of waste. Reuse opens the field of new possibilities of use. We respond to the needs of the industry and work for the benefit of the general interest, future generations and the environment.

Achievement calendar
January 2018: recruitment of supervisory staff
February 2018: start of technician training
from February 2018 to February 2019: gradual increase in volumes processed until January 2020.
December 2020: Assessment of treatments performed

Would you like to know more about the Safran group and the Safran Foundation?
We recommend the links below:

Download: Discover the latest edition of the Safran Patronage Newsletter

Article photo: Philippe Stroppa / Safran

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