Make carbon fiber processing a political priority

Make carbon fiber processing a political priority

France has recently become the leader of countries engaged in ecological transition.
It all started in December 2015 when the COP21 was held under the French flag.
François Hollande, then President of the Republic, had shown his determination to lead the fight against global warming.

His successor, Emmanuel Macron, did not seek to divest itself of the leader’s suit of the environmental cause carved out by his successor.
On the contrary. The one who had not shown particular interest in the subject during the presidential campaign, has constantly reaffirmed the role that France must play in the concert of nations.
He had the opportunity to state in a recent interview that environmental protection was his priority.
Through these Presidents of the Republic, it is the voice of France that loudly proclaims a message of responsibility by urging other countries to take part in the collective challenge we face.

As an association that works for sustainable development, we can only rejoice at the role that France plays and the ambitions it carries.
It is both a chance and an obligation. Today we are regarded as the reference in ecology.
We drive ideas and set goals.
If we have the privilege of imposing the pace, we have, in return, the heavy task of not disappointing.
This is why we are alerting the political authorities, in the field we are mastering, to the environmentally responsible treatment of carbon fiber waste.
In this case, France has a considerable delay in catching up with its European neighbors who recycle their composite waste in specific factories.
France is one of the world’s largest consumers of carbon fiber found in industrial sectors such as aeronautics, automotive, robotics, and sports equipment manufacturers. However, solutions for the treatment and reuse of carbon fiber waste are not exploited.
In any case not up to what French production would require.
It therefore becomes urgent to act, given the rank that France holds, so that the colossal volumes of waste are no longer simply stored or fled underground.
Recycling Carbon is obviously at the disposal of the public authorities to work in this direction.

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